Tehran, YJC. Eta'at says the US has fully recognized Iran's right to enriching uranium and it has never meant to overthrow the Iranian state.

Javad Eta'at, member of the central council of the disbanded political party "Mosharekat" speaking in a pollitical meeting with a number on students on Wednesday afternoon pointed to Iran's political history and said "We are a country situatied between the Eastern and the Western world. Countries like Iran have never been fully colonized by one country."
"Some talk of the nuclear case as though we are one of the power poles," he said, adding "Right now there is no bipolar structure, but some talk as though we are on equal standings. We are in a sensitive region and they cannot let us talk however we like in a place where America's vital veins run. The previous state to have ben followed further, though, could have driven us to the precipice."
Eta'at maintained "I have read the Iran-Six Majors agreement. Despite some media which have said that there is no right to enrichment for us, the right has been asserted in the agreement and we do have the right."