Laptop heat, nonstick cookware weaken sperm

Young journalists club

News ID: 2802
Publish Date: 8:32 - 27 November 2013
Tehran, YJC. Physician says many new technologies damage human sperm.

Speaking in interview with Tasnim, Mohammadreza Nowruzi provided comments on the negative effects of a number of technological products on human sperm and said "To make some cookware nonstick, they coat them with some substance which when mixed with the food, it will affect the sperm.”

"It is the same with noise pollution. For example we see a lot of cancer cases in society, but it is still under studies why it is so common or why such a thing is happening,” he said.

Heat is detrimental to the testicles. If you always place your laptop on your lap, its fan can weaken your testicles.”

The Tehran University Associate Professor said "Noise pollution and waves are the same. The waves that exist in the environment, for instance, and which have grown more. In some societies there is this increase in abortions. "

Does that have anything to do with the waves? We may be able to relate it, but it cannot be proven. The pollution caused by mobile waves is the same. So people better be careful. Infertile couples, for example, would better not fasten their cell phones at their waists, however unproven this claim might be. Or women with a child must take care not to be exposed to environmental waves. Therefore the pollutions that are caused by new technologies are worrisome, however they might not be proven yet.”

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