Rearing terrorism to follow Saudi cooperation with Israel: lawmaker

Young journalists club

News ID: 2710
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 12:42 - 18 November 2013
Tehran, YJC. Kosari says Saudi-Israeli cooperation dates a long way back, even before the 2006 Lebanon War.

In interview with ICANA, member of National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Majlis Esmail Kosari said "The alliance of the ill-forged Zionist regime with the House of Saud is not anything about today or yesterday. These two regimes were in much cooperation even before the 2006 Lebanon War to unsettle the Middle East, so much so that it was said that Saudi officials issued the Zionist regime permission to attack Lebanon.”

The Tehran representative to the Majlis added "The multifaceted cooperation between the Zionist regime and Saudi officials is not unknown to anybody and the fact that these countries spread discord among Islamic states, especially the regional Shiite, has repeatedly proven itself.”

Kosari further added "Problems existing right now in Egypt, Syria, and Bahrain testify to the alliance of the Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia.”

"To answer US and Israeli support, Saudi Arabia has paid a huge price. In cooperation with the UAE, it spreads regional terrorism. To put it in other words, Al-Qaeda and Taliban were made by the House of Saud and the Zionist regime,” he went on.

He asserted "Saudi leaders suppress public demands and severely quench the opposition. But this can cause much trouble for Arabia in the future.”

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