Motorcyclist balances glass-top table behind him

Young journalists club

News ID: 27068
Publish Date: 15:55 - 07 August 2018
TEHRAN, August 7 - A traveler on an Australian road captured video of a motorcyclist with a glass-top table precariously balanced behind him.

Motorcyclist balances glass-top table behind himTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -A traveler on an Australian road captured video of a motorcyclist with a glass-top table precariously balanced behind him.

The video, recorded on a road in Darwin, Northern Territory, shows the motorcyclist riding with the large glass top-table balanced behind him.

Two of the table's legs are balanced on the biker's shoulders.

"My partner and I were going to the supermarket in our local neighborhood when we gave way at a roundabout and randomly saw what is on the video! I decided to film as I thought it was very funny," the filmer wrote.

Source: UPI

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