IME Hosts Japan Embassy Officials

Young journalists club

News ID: 2694
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 15:52 - 16 November 2013
A delegation from the embassy of Japan embassy, headed by Japanese Ambassador paid a one-hour visit to Iran Mercantile Exchange. During the visit, His Excellency Ambassador Koji Haneda and his associate Mr. Hiroki Suemori met IME officials and discussed possible areas of cooperation.
According to the report from IME international affairs and PR, the Japanese delegation first visited IME trading floor and got acquainted with the trading process and performance of the floor in industrial, petrochemical, agricultural and derivatives market of IME.

Then the ambassador Haneda met Dr.Panahian, managing director of IME and a number of exchange senior officials and a presentation on IME operation and activities was provided by the IME officials on establishment and history of IME, legal basis, rules and regulations, supervision and surveillance, products and trading, clearing and settlement, risk management, benchmarking of IME prices and the role of IME in the national economy. 

Further in the meeting, the two sides discussed possible areas of cooperation including, education, training and trading technology for which the Japanese side for its part expressed readiness to provide IME with access to training institutions in Japan to boost education in the interested areas.

The session continued with question and answer about other possible fields of cooperation.

Paving the ground for listing of both countries products or suppliers and brokers information exchange from one country to another, was among common grounds discussed by both sides.

Concluding the session, the plaque of IME was awarded to Japanese Ambassador. 

This session was planned and organized following strategic plans and task of IME international affairs on developing relations and cooperation with foreign entities including embassies and missions headquartered in Tehran.

ime ، japan ، iran ، embassy
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