Tehran, YJC. Seddiqi has said that Iran considers current negotiations as an ultimatum with the West.
week’s Friday preacher providing comments on ongoing Iran-West nuclear talks
said "According to its civil, ethical, and religious credit, Iran follows an
international atmosphere which is an atmosphere of talks, negotiations,
ultimatum, and rationality. To us, this is both strategy and tactic.”
Seddiqi added "Whether the West accepts it or not, first of all, we have not
talked from the weak position; but today we are strong and powerful. We are
integrated, unified and our power is that we have one pivot and one leader and
one gonfalonier has taken all under the gonfalon.”
out that Iran did also suspend its uranium enrichment in 2003 and 2004, he said
"But at that time it was clear that doing so was a tactic and a kind of testing
the rival. As we saw their goals were sinister, that action made the
springboard for the following years. Now also the talks are a test and a chance
for the Westerns to end the crisis and the disrepute they have brought on
further stated "This will be to their benefit. Of course it will come with breakthroughs
for us as well, but we will not feel that we won’t be able to live without them
if the talks came to a dead end and they were not able to comply with us.”