Tehran, YJC. -- Premier plaque and PR statue was dedicated to Iran Mercantile Exchange Public Relations in the major of Strategic management in the 10th International Conference on Public Relations.
According to the report from IME international affairs and PR, international PR symposium with the subject of Smart PR, Strategies, and Solutions was held in the conference center of IRIB Int'l Conference Center.(IICC).
Based on this report in the closing ceremony of this international conference, Hossein Hashemi Tehran Governor and Christophe Ginisty the head of international association of PR and many of PR managers in Iranian Organizations was held and the pioneers of this major were praised in different categories.
In this Ceremony the premier plaque was dedicated to IME PR in the strategic management category because of best PR activates, empowering organizational structure, establishing complex communication system and playing the major role in prototyping as well as leading the public thoughts in Iran capital market.