Woman calls police to report burglar, officers find squirrel

Young journalists club

News ID: 26024
Publish Date: 11:22 - 16 July 2018
TEHRAN, July 16 - Police in London said a terrified woman who thought there was a burglar in her house called officers, who arrived to find the culprit was a squirrel.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) The Harrow Borough Police said a woman dialed the 999 emergency number Thursday morning to report a burglar was making lout noises downstairs at her home.

Police said on Twitter that officers arrived to find the suspect was "a rogue squirrel."

"Officers attended on blue lights and established the only suspect was a squirrel who had knocked some data-x-items over and caused a bit of a mess," a police spokesman told GetWestLondon.

"The squirrel wasn't arrested and was released with no charges," the spokesman said.

Source: UPI

US ، woman ، squirrel
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