Iranian Army monitors US regional movements

Young journalists club

News ID: 2594
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:46 - 05 November 2013
Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says Iran films all US military movements in the region.

Mahmoud Nabavian speaking in Mashhad University said "Thanks to scientific advancements and Iranian drones, no US soldier or commander moves in his trench but his film is on the tables of our military commanders.”

"You cannot find a crime around the world but it has traces from the US. Then again these people talk of human rights,” he asserted.

Nabavian added "There have been 16 thousand cases of assassination in our country, 12 thousand of which have been performed under direct US support.”

The lawmaker added that Iran has helped Bashar Assad purge Syria of Wahhabists, adding "80 percent of the country was in the hands of the Wahhabists, only 15 to 18 percent of it is in their hands now.”

The clergy then exclaimed "I am proud of Ahmadinejad’s foreign policy, because I believe one must stand before the arrogant, and that was what Ahmadinejad did.”

He further stated that occasions like November 4 raised Iran and the Hezbollah in the world. "Before the revolution no government had the courage to raise its voice against the US or Israel. But, thanks to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the suppressed around the world found out that even the US is breakable,” he asserted.

nabavian ، iran ، army ، survey ، us
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