Tehran, YJC. Ayatollah Khamenei has said that the Iranian nuclear negotiators cannot be regarded as compromising.

"Nobody can call our negotiation team compromisers. These are
our kids and the revolution’s kids. They have this difficult mission and nobody
must weaken someone who is working at something.”
One day to the November 4 anniversary of the siege of the US
Embassy in Tehran, thousands of students met the Supreme Leader, Mehr News
Agency reports.
Pointing to the occasion, Ayatollah Khamenei said "Thirty
years ago our youth called the US Embassy the spy den. Today, in the closest
countries to the US, US embassies are called spy dens. That means that our
youth were 30 years ahead.”
He further stated "As I said in Mashhad, I am not optimistic
about talks, but God willing, we will not get harmed from these talks either; rather
the experience will enhance the mental capacity of our nation.”
"If talks bear fruit, it will be all for the best. But if they
don’t, the meaning should be that the country must stand on its own,” the Supreme
Leader added.
"We must not trust the
enemy who smiles,” he asserted, adding "On the one hand, Americans smile and
express readiness for talks. On the other hand they immediately say all options
are on the table. Well, what the hell are they likely to do?”
Ayatollah Khamenei stated "Most of all, the US watch out for
the Zionist. They have to watch out for them. But we do not have such observations.
From the first day we have said that we consider the Zionist regime as illegitimate
and misbegotten.”