Stalin’s bunker in World War II

Young journalists club

News ID: 25639
Publish Date: 15:04 - 08 July 2018
TEHRAN, July 08 - The bunker complex built in 1942 was an alternative headquarters of the Armed Forces, led by the Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -As the Russian city of Samara gears up for Saturday's England-Sweden clash, some fans have been taking time out to discover a darker side of the city hidden underground.

Stalin’s bunker in World War II

Stalin’s bunker in World War II

Stalin’s bunker in World War II

Stalin’s bunker in World War II

Stalin’s bunker in World War II

Stalin’s bunker in World War II

Stalin’s bunker in World War II

Stalin’s bunker in World War II

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