China to introduce tariffs on $34 billion worth US goods on July 6

Young journalists club

News ID: 25454
Publish Date: 14:59 - 04 July 2018
TEHRAN, July 04 - China will implement duties on $34 billion worth of goods imported from the US from July 6, Reuters reported, citing its sources in Beijing.

China to introduce tariffs on $34 billion worth US goods on July 6

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) "Our measures are equal and being equal means that if the US starts on July 6, we start on July 6," the source told Reuters on the condition of anonymity, adding that "the implementation time for all policies starts at midnight."

China's decision comes in the wake of the US pledge to introduce import tariffs on $34 billion of Chinese goods on July 6. Although China's move is due to be reciprocal, Beijing will be ahead of the US announcement because of the 12-hour time difference.

On June 15, Washington revealed that it would introduce additional 25 percent duties on 818 data-x-items of Chinese imports worth $34 billion on July 6. In response, China's State Council's commission on tariffs and customs vowed to retaliate imposing tariffs on American agriculture products and automobiles.

Beijing and Washington has been involved in a major trade row, with the US slamming China for "unfair trade practices" used to the detriment of Washington.

A threat of a full-scale trade war emerged when the United States in March imposed a 25 percent tariff on steel imports and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports.

Commenting on the US decision, Beijing called on Washington to avoid excessive use of protectionist trade measures, with China Iron and Steel Association calling the US import tariff policy "foolish protectionist measures."

In May, the US proposed tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods under an intellectual property probe. China vowed to implement its own retaliatory tariffs on US goods, including soybeans and aircraft, if the US duties are imposed.

Source: Sputnik

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