Navy awards contract for F-35 support outside U.S.

Young journalists club

News ID: 25052
Publish Date: 10:46 - 27 June 2018
TEHRAN, June 27 -The U.S. Navy has awarded a contract modification to Lockheed Martin to set up depots for maintenance on and upgrades to F-35 aircraft.

Navy awards contract for F-35 support outside U.S.TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -The U.S. Navy has awarded a contract modification to Lockheed Martin to set up depots for maintenance on and upgrades to F-35 aircraft.

The facilities will be located outside of the continental United States and will house work that will also repair and overhaul F-35s under the terms of the $73.6 million contract modification, according to the Department of Defense.

The depots will be for maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade of F-35s, and Lockhood is authorized under the contract to procure support equipment, labor and Autonomic Logistics Information System hardware to stand up the depots.

Lockheed Martin will conduct work in Orlando, Fla., Fort Worth, Texas, El Segundo, Calif., New South Wales, Australia, and Cameri, Italy. The Defense Department expects work to conclude in February 2022.

The contract modification includes purchases for the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and entities outside of the Defense Department.


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