Iran press review

Young journalists club

News ID: 2461
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:44 - 23 October 2013
Tehran, YJC. Headlines of most important news in Iran today.

Tehran Emrooz

- Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman defines future negotiations course


- Iran, UK embassies reopen

- How upper third subsidies are to be withdrawn


- Geneva talks are checked with Supreme Leader

- Tehran water reservoir halves


- Dr. Salehi: Bushehr nuclear power plant fuel production to be operational in 3 months

- Nobakht: Budget deficit resolved

- UN thanks Iranian government

Jame Jam

- Reactions to derogatory statements by US Deputy Secretary of State


- UN: Iran second country in developing human resources

iran ، press ، review
Published: 1
Under Review: 1
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
05:00 08 August 1392
Hi I hope I find more good subjects on Iranian newspapers
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