Lawmaker: Majlis wants to hear US apologize

Young journalists club

News ID: 2459
Publish Date: 13:20 - 23 October 2013
Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says National Security Committee has addressed anti-Iranian statements by US official.

In interview with YJC, Seyyed Hossein Naqavi Hosseini providing comments on the Tuesday session of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Majlis said "In today’s session the Geneva nuclear talks and some insulting statements by US officials were discussed.”

He added "In this session it was also said that the Additional Protocol is one of the red lines, to which the negotiating team must pay attention.”

Naqavi Hosseini asserted "The members of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Majlis condemned the anti-Iranian statements of the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and top member of the 5+1 negotiation team Wendy Sherman. It was announced that such statements aggravate the distrust of the people of Iran toward US policies, therefore the Majlis wants to hear US officials apologize.”

Christian Science Monitor in agreement with Sherman's statement that "Deception is part of the DNA" says that something really can be done even if mistrust exists.

Meanwhile, some US statespeople have said that Iran's reaction to Sherman's statement has been caused by mistranslations, Mrs. Sherman having not intended any insult.

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