US policing world with Saudi, Israel support: Analyst

Young journalists club

News ID: 24191
Publish Date: 18:53 - 10 June 2018
TEHRAN, June 10-The United States appears to be "a self-proclaimed police of the world" with the support of the Israeli regime and Saudi Arabia.

US policing world with Saudi, Israel support: AnalystTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -The United States appears to be "a self-proclaimed police of the world" with the support of the Israeli regime and Saudi Arabia.

“America seems to be the police of the world actually, a self-proclaimed police of the world, so they can go to any country and change their policies and try to do regime changes and do all that stuff while just standing there and getting support from ... Israel and Saudi Arabia,” Riaz Karim, director of Veritas Centre for Strategic Studies, told Press TV in an interview on Sunday.

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani recently slammed attempts by Washington to impose its own policies on others, saying the "unilateral sanctions" by the United States damaged international business.

Addressing the 18th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in the Chinese port city of Qingdao on Sunday, Rouhani warned of threats posed by economic, political and legal unilateralism to regional convergence.

Source:Press TV

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