Tehran, YJC. Any action that stirs disagreement among the Muslim is treachery to Islam and religiously forbidden, says the Supreme Leader in an address to the Muslims of the world gathering in Mecca for the Hajj rites.

Khamenei has addressed the great congregation of Muslims that have visited
Mecca for the Hajj rites, calling the Islamic nation to integrity.
and brotherhood among the Muslim under the rubric of monotheism, knowledge of the
enemy, and fighting its schemes and tricks are among the most significant
lessons of the Hajj and a definite cure for the pitiable situations of the
current Islamic world,” the Supreme Leader says in his letter.
He added
"Domestic conflicts, blind religious prejudice, political instability, the spread
of cruel terrorism, the emergence of extremist groups which in the fashion of
barbaric tribes open people’s breast and bite into their hearts, gunners who
kill children and women, behead men, and rape the fair sex, and even sometimes
do such embarrassing, disgusting crimes in the name of religion, these are all the
fruit of devilish, arrogant schemes by intelligence services that belong to the
foreigners and their regional accomplice states.”
He further
said "Such baleful situation can frustrate the Islamic awakening and lay waste the
psychological basis that has come to exist in the Islamic world to turn the Muslim
nations once more into isolation and decadence, making them forget their
principal issues such as saving Palestine, and saving Muslim nations from US
and Zionist schemes. The real remedy can be summarized in two key sentences,
both of which are among the most prominent lessons of the Hajj: First, Muslims’
integrity and brotherhood under the rubric of monotheism; second, knowledge of
the enemy and handling his schemes and tricks.”
entities which have now grown into a puppet for the deceitful Zionist and their
Western allies to commit heinous crimes and shed the blood of innocent Muslims and
those who boast of religiosity and those dressed with the robe of the clergy
who blow into the furnace of Shiite-Sunni conflict must know that the Hajj in
its very nature is the nullifier of their braggadocio. Like many Islamic scholars
and well-intenders of the Islamic nation I once more exclaim that any action
which is to blaze the fire of disagreement among Muslims or is a sacrilege to
any of the holy beings of Muslim groups or any of the Islamic sects is
considered as a service to the atheist side, a kind of polytheism, betrayal to Islam,
and religiously forbidden.”