Drugs vary $2,000 from eastern to western border

Young journalists club

News ID: 2397
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:53 - 14 October 2013
Tehran, YJC. Chief of Police says smugglers buy opium for $200 at the eastern border to sell it for $2200 at the western.

Brigadier General Esmail Ahamdi Moqaddam on Sunday met with the Head of the Italian Drugs Agency.

Following the meeting, the Chief of Police of Iran said in a news conference "As the country’s borders were closed, smugglers started to traffic drugs through hard routs. Right now opium is $200 a kilo at the Afghan border and it reaches $2,200 when it gets to the Turkish border.”

Ahmadi Moqaddam added that in the past year 300 tons of illegal drugs were discovered, adding "There has been a 20 percent growth in the amount of drugs found. Also if we count in the drugs found by other organizations so far 350 tons of drugs are found.”

He added "Although we have shut the borders, the amount of drugs found has increased. Most of the drugs are discovered at the borders and waterfronts. That is because with actions the police has taken, the risk for the trafficking of drugs has increased.

He also pointed out that therapy methods have lessened the usage of drugs in the country, adding "Until a while ago, Italy was the first country in covering the addict. But the title now belongs to Iran. 20 percent of the addicts who abandon drugs never turn back to them. But still 80 percent do return. If we manage to cure one third of the addict, then epidemics will be controlled.”

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