Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says that as long as Germany, France, UK, and US do not act within the boundaries of law, nuclear talks will lead nowhere.

Esmail Kosari, member of the National Security and Foreign
Policy Committee of the Majlis in interview with Mehr News Agency said in
answer to the question whether the Six Powers have enough privileges at the
upcoming negotiations to recognize Iran’s right to the enrichment of uranium "Given
the fact that even Mr. Obama’s view changed after he met Netanyahu, it seems
unlikely for the foreign ministers of the US, UK, Germany, and France to have the
final decision. So I am not much optimistic about them being able to decide the
last decision, although we must wait see how the negotiations go on.”
Kosari asserted that as long as these four countries
continue acting outside the frame of law, the negotiations will lead nowhere. "They
must obey the international rules, the very rules they themselves have defined,”
the member of the parliamentary national security stated.
He further maintained that the reason for the prolongation
of the negotiations is that the Western side tends to look at the issue from
the position of power.
"We want the talks to define obligations, we don’t want them
only to kill time, although the passage of time is to our advantage, because
first of all the IAEA has come to understand that we act within the frame of
law and second of all, we have increased the number of our centrifuges and have
become a nuclear country. This is a scientific trend and it is not retractable,”
he asserted.
Concerning the
conditions previously demanded by the West where Iran was required to shut down
the Fordo site, suspend uranium enrichment, and move the existing enriched
uranium out of the country, the lawmaker stated "There is no sense in talking
these things. The enriched uranium that exists in the country is both legal and
"If we were
to bow down to pressure we would have not made the revolution, would have not
resisted. They think things are like post-World War II times where they could
meet their demands by guns and by looting. Let them now they think wrong, because
the time for such policies is over.”