Sanctions aggravated, not created economic situation: EM

Young journalists club

News ID: 2333
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:19 - 07 October 2013
Tehran, YJC. Minister of Economy says that the downcast economic situation of the country is due to mismanagement rather than foreign sanctions.

"It is a strategic mistake to spend our energy exclusively on the sanctions,” asserted the Minister of Economy, adding "Economic inefficiency, unsound policies, and unfavorable international conditions as the result of the sanctions are the three main reasons behind our current economic situations.”

Ali Tayebnia further said "These three factors can be categorized into two groups, the initiating ones and the aggravating ones. The sanctions, with all their extensiveness, are not the initiating factor, but the aggravating one.”

He added "It will be a strategic mistake to put all our effort into reducing the sanctions, because doing so, we will lose concentration on the initiating factors.”

The Minister of Economy stated "The unsound structure of the country’s economy as the initiating agent is embodied in the government’s use of oil revenue for the budget, instability and indiscipline in the financial policy, the unacceptable share of tax revenue in the government’s income, insufficient FDI, the meager role of the private sector in the economy, ambiguity in economic information, and unsuitable business environment. So, as long as these initiating factors are not mended and controlled, our economy will be a weak and vulnerable economy.”

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