TEHRAN, May 17 - In a spectacular own-goal the right-wing magazine The Spectator published an article online headlined ‘In praise of the Wehrmacht.’ Despite the copy being quickly changed, the original was screen-grabbed and shared on Twitter.
TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The piece, attributed to ‘Taki’, had it's headline subsequently changed to ‘The truth about D-Day.’ Taki’s opening gambit was also changed from: “The real story of D-Day is the heroism of German soldiers who were vastly outnumbered but fought nobly and to the death,” was subsequently changed to the more palatable “Don’t believe the Hollywood version. The fact is the Wehrmacht were sitting ducks.”
Rather than reading like an expose on the Steven Spielberg-esque narrative of the Second World War as the “Hollywood bullshit,” he claims it is, the piece does in fact read, as one Twitter user put it, like “praise for the Wehrmacht,” which some editor thought would make a great title.
Instead of addressing legitimate claims against Hollywood’s portrayal of D-Day, say like the under-representation of African Americans onscreen, Taki asks us to remember the horribly outnumbered Germans who hid behind a “mythical sea wall.”
Source: RT