Lawmaker: Excitement with Obama-Rouhani conversation might turn into depression

Young journalists club

News ID: 2258
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:57 - 29 September 2013
Tehran, YJC. Tavakoli says that melodramatic joy in recent talks between Iranian and US officials is against the interests of Iran, reducing Iranian officials’ bargaining power.

Senior Lawmaker Ahmad Tavakoli in interview with Mehr said "The US has removed the preconditions it used to lay for talks with Iran. In contrast to previous years, US statesmen sat for negotiation calling for mutual respect.”

Pointing to the state of affairs for the US in the ME, he said "Everywhere Americans had to use Iran’s politically influential presence in order to get rid of the crisis they were in. They came to understand that without Iran they cannot do anything.”

"Cynicism must be put aside, but in the meantime, optimism must be checked as well,” Tavakoli said.

"Even if the current US behavior is a short-time tactic we have won, because the course will make the ones who would criticize the Iranian officials for not making relations with the US understand that the way to solve the country’s problems is not negotiations with the US,” Tavakoli asserted.

  He pointed out that unchecked excitement in recent developments in Iran-US relations will have two negative effects. "The first effect is that if they think the country’s problems are due to lack of relations with the US, we will give ourselves positive marks on no basis and will overlook domestic mismanagements and disorganized behavior. So if relations are established, since later on problems would not have diminished, they will be depressed,” the lawmaker asserted.

"Also unrealistic joy will be a bad message to the US, which will be to the detriment of the Iranian nation. That will diminish the bargaining power of the officials. So we must be careful in regard to the West and show such flexibility as wise champions are likely to show,” he further said.

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