US could not, cannot overthrow Islamic Republic

Young journalists club

News ID: 2242
Publish Date: 14:22 - 26 September 2013
Tehran, YJC. Soleimani has said that Obama’s statement that the US does not intend to overthrow the Islamic Republic is a declaration of inability rather than one of kindness.

Speaking in a memorial ceremony for Iran-Iraq war martyrs of Kerman, Major General Qasem Soleimani said "Obama says they do not intend to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran. That’s because they cannot overthrow it,” Fars news agency reports.

"All US effort so far has been to overthrow the Islamic Republic,” he stressed.

Commander of the Quds Corps exclaimed that it is not an expression of goodwill by the US to say they do not want to topple the Iranian government, but rather a confession to weakness.

"In the past 35 years, the US has performed the most unfair actions against the Islamic Republic. The record is to remain in the nation’s memory,” he asserted.

Soleimani pointed out that the US does not even spare Iran medical drugs.

"When you say you do not intent to overthrow the system it is only believable when the effects of these words of Obama fade out in the US policy,” he said.

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