Chichak, the Speaker of the Parliament of Turkey on Saturday met with his Iranian
counterpart Ali Larijani.
In the press conference following the meeting, in answer to a reporter asking "You consider the political approach and negotiations as effective, but how does Turkey logistically support the Syrian opposition?” Chichak said "I think that this is a prejudiced judgment and an accusation against Turkey to say that we support the Syrian opposition, such a thing does not exist indeed. By posing this question you want to hear me affirm that we support terrorist groups. We must first correct the outlook of our media. There is no such thing. We try to solve the problem.”
He asserted "Turkey’s foreign policy is based on the view that regional problems must be solved only through talks. Despite such outlook by Turkey, it is to regret that regional developments are neither humane nor in agreement with religion, they rather happen in the most barbarous way. It is a pity that all sides do their heinous acts under the ‘Allahu akbar’ rubric, eating people’s livers or launching chemical attacks. God is nowhere in these terrorist brutalities.”
"These acts agree neither with Islam nor with humanity. If we are only onlookers we will be sort of accomplices. It is a pity that such actions still go on in a large scale,” the Speaker of the Parliament of Turkey said.
In their
meeting prior to the press conference, Chichak and Larijani emphasized mutual