Reasons for gas price plummet

Young journalists club

News ID: 218
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:41 - 25 February 2013
TEHRAN, JYC. National Iranian Gas Export Co. former CEO has pointed to the global reduction in gas price in his speeches to review problems befalling Iran-Pakistan gas transfer contract, saying that Iran has three options on the table regarding gas consumption.

Nosratollah Seyfi said in interview with Mehr News Agency "US adoption of the technology to extract unconventional gas reserves such as shale gas is one of the major reasons for the fall in global gas prices.”

National Iranian Gas Export Co. former CEO provided comments on the US as a major importer of gas in past years and asserted that in the current situations, the US will not only stop import, but it will export LNG.

He also said that with the US producing gas, Qatari LNG is left with no customer, adding that meanwhile Pakistan has demanded discount for gas imported from Iran.

He added that in the contract there exists an article that authorizes Pakistan to demand price revision.

He also pointed to the existence of different options for the domestic use of gas in case there would be no foreign customer and said "Storage in crude reservoirs, expansion of CNG grid, reduction in the consumption of gas and diesel fuel, and providing industries, power stations, and petrochemical complexes with gas will benefit the country more than selling it cheap abroad.”

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