Tehran, YJC. A shout rose among the crowd “When Ahmadinejad was made president he was fat. Did we give him to you so thin you have made him?”

On Tuesday evening the people of Narmak, district in
North-east Tehran where Ahmadinejad lives, held a ceremony in the local mosque
in honor of the former president.
As Ahmadinejad was walking to the stage someone in the
crowd shouted "Ahmadinejad was chubby when he was made president. Did we give
him to you so thin you have made him?”
In the end of the meeting, Ahmadinejad answered to
reporters on different subjects.
One reporter asked "The reporters would like to have a
press conference with you and ask you about your 8 years of service. Would you
give them such a time?”
Ahmadinejad then answered "I would like that, too. When
the time comes I will surely do that.”
Another one asked him "How do you feel when you see
the crowd that welcomes you has grown small?”
Ahmadinejad in answer said "For me every one person is
as precious as the whole world.”
Another one asked "Why do you think Principalists left
you alone in the latter years?”
The former president answered by asking the reporter’s
age and major of study and then told him "keep to your studies instead of such things.”
When someone in the crowd asked "Mr. Ahmadinejad, can
we start campaigns for four years from now?” he answered "Are you saying that the
Imam al-Asr does not come another for years? The Imam al-Asr will come by four
years from now and will correct the whole world.”