US warned over 'grave repercussions' of attacking Syria: Russia

Young journalists club

News ID: 21507
Publish Date: 8:02 - 10 April 2018
TEHRAN, April 10 -Russia has said that it has warned the US of "grave repercussions" if it attacks Syria over claims of a chemical weapons attack.

US warned over 'grave repercussions' of attacking Syria: RussiaTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -Russia has said that it has warned the US of "grave repercussions" if it attacks Syria over claims of a chemical weapons attack.

"There was no chemical weapons attack," said Russian UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia during a UN Security Council meeting held on Monday.

"Through the relevant channels we already conveyed to the US that armed force under mendacious pretext against Syria – where, at the request of the legitimate government of a country, Russian troops have been deployed - could lead to grave repercussions," he added.

He added that investigators with the global chemical weapons watchdog should travel to Syria as early as Tuesday to investigate accusations concerning the attack.

"Our military, radiological, biological, chemical unit was on site with the alleged chemical accident and it confirmed that there was no chemical substances found on the ground. There were no dead bodies found. There were no poisoned people in the hospitals. The doctors in Douma denied that there were people who came to the hospital claiming that they were under the chemical attack. The Syrian Red (Crescent) that was said to be treating people which were poisoned denied that it was ever doing that today. So what we're saying -- we are requesting the OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons), which said in the person of its director general that they were ready to go to Douma, to do it immediately and to see themselves what happened on the ground," he added.

An alleged chemical attack on Saturday in the militant-held town of Douma in Eastern Ghouta reportedly left dozens dead.

Damascus, in a statement released late on Saturday, strongly rejected the allegation of using chemical munitions and said that the so-called Jaish al-Islam Takfiri terrorist group, which has dominant presence in Douma, was repeating the accusations “in order to accuse the Syrian Arab army, in a blatant attempt to hinder the Army’s advance.”

Source: Presstv

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