Boroujerdi: Holding nuclear talks in Iran can be an option

Young journalists club

News ID: 2122
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:37 - 14 September 2013
Tehran, YJC. Alaeddin Boroujerdi has said that Russia is ready to solve the Iranian nuclear case.

In interview with Islamic Constitutive Assembly News Agency, Alaeddin Boroujerdi said "Russians believe that the US outlook toward the Iranian nuclear case is political and not technical, legal, or international. So, as far as the US regard on this does not change, it will go on.”

The Boroujerd representative in the Majlis said "The modality given by the Islamic Republic to the IAEA answers all their questions and doubts, but it is to regret that by introducing some issues, Americans started a new game and the negotiations were lead away from their technical, expert, and legal aspects.”

The Principalist parliamentary group member further said "Russians believe that the Iranian nuclear case must find an end point. Their cooperation on the Bushehr power plant and their readiness to build other power plants shows their inclination to cooperate with the Islamic Republic at the peaceful level of nuclear energy.”

Pointing to the resumption of nuclear talks on September 27, Boroujerdi provided comments on the country to host the talks and said "Iran has so far not accepted countries which are not impartial, because if the host is partial toward the US, it will not be able to make a desirable host for the meetings.”

He added "Holding talks in Iran, provided that it is approved of by the Supreme National Security Council, will be likely to make an option.”

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Ali Said Ali
20:29 31 June 1392
Salaam Aleikum, my question is what are your reaction to the NSA spying on your country as you were one of the biggest countries being spied on?
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