China says it has made real efforts toward establishing Vatican relations

Young journalists club

News ID: 21190
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:56 - 03 April 2018
TEHRAN, April 03 - China has made real efforts toward establishing relations with the Vatican, a Chinese official said on Tuesday, as expectations grow for a landmark accord between the Holy See and Beijing on the appointment of bishops.

China says it has made real efforts toward establishing Vatican relations

Chinese Catholics are split between those who attend officially sanctioned churches run by government-approved bishops and technically illegal “underground” churches, the vast majority of which are loyal to the Vatican.

Full relations would give the Church a legal framework to look after all of China’s estimated 12 million Catholics and move on to focus on Catholic growth in a country where Protestant churches are already growing fast.


The details of a framework accord that could eventually lead to diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Beijing were worked out when a Vatican delegation visited China late last year.


TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - “From our government’s prospective we have always maintained an honest desire to improve relations and the Chinese government has always made real efforts (towards this),” Chen Zongrong, former vice head of the State Administration for Religious Affairs, said at a news briefing.

Tuesday’s remarks follow a statement last Thursday from the Vatican that, although dialogue between the two sides continues, the deal was not about to be signed, after reports suggested it might be completed in March.

Under the expected formal deal, the Vatican will have a say in negotiations for the appointment of future bishops.

Source: Reuters


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