Saudi Arabia fueling war in Syria

Young journalists club

News ID: 2010
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 16:51 - 28 August 2013
Tehran, YJC. The Wall Street journal reported on Tuesday, Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan is in a close association with the headquarters of the Syrian rebels, the Elyse Palace, the Kremlin and other countries to get their okay to overthrow the Syrian government.

Bandar has assigned Adel al-jobeir, the Saudi ambassador in Washington, to encourage the wavering members of Congress and president Barack Obama to support initiatives that would topple Bashar Al-Assad government. 

Heads of intelligence services of Saudi Arabia, the US, Jordan and their allies are training the Syrian opposition group near the Syrian borders: WSJ quoted diplomatic sources.

Meanwhile some of the US officials expressed their concern about turning the Syrian rebels to anther Al-Qaeda.

 The Journal continued Prince Banadar and Adel Al-jobeir realize that the rebels would not win the war in Syria; as a result, in an emergency meeting with the US officials, they called the US administration for a substantial endorsement from militants in order to control the Syrian capital Damascus. 

 The Wall street journal Noted, in recent days the Saudi diplomacy sought to satisfy the US Senators like John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Ben Nelson to fuel the US military intervention in Syria.

 Earlier, Senator Ben Nelson opposed any military plan but his idea changed as he met the Saudi king Abdullah in Riyadh.

A senior US intelligence official announced, Saudi plays a key role in the Syria crisis.     

 The Sources reported, Saudi Arabia founded an operational center, including an airport and arms caches, in Jordan 2012 under the supervision of Prince Salman in a pre-determined plan to topple the Syrian government.
 The Sources also released, Saudi king sent a sharp letter to Obama in April 2013 saying that the US international face would be ruined if Bashar Assad stays in power and asking for a substantial measure.

Syria has been embroiled in a war since 2011, according to the UN reports; more than 100.000 have lost their lives.

saudi ، arabia ، war ، syria
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