Rouhani congratulates Estonian president over Independence Day

Young journalists club

News ID: 19797
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 19:30 - 24 February 2018
TEHRAN, February 24 - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani congratulated Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid over the country’s Independence Day.

Rouhani congratulates Estonian president over Independence DayTEHRAN,Young Journalists Club (YJC) - In a message to Kersti Kaljulaid, Rouhani expressed hope that bilateral ties between Iran and Estonia would be expanded further.

Earlier in October, Iranian Vice-President for Women and Family Affairs Massoumeh Ebtekar and President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid met in Iceland calling for expansion of mutual relations and cooperation.

The forum was attended by the leading political women around the world exchanging views about women affairs and sharing the related experiences.

'Diplomatic and commercial ties between Iran and Estonia are very promising and the two capitals are expected to witness an increase in bilateral cooperation in the fields of women and family related affairs,' Ebtekar told President Kaljulaid during the meeting.

Meanwhile, the Estonian president voiced satisfaction to further broaden cooperation in women related affairs with Iran noting that grounds for such cooperation are well prepared.


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