TEHRAN, February 17 - Iran's Navy commander emphasized the significance of developing Makran coastal area, stressing that reviving maritime civilization helps secure national interest and expand ties with the world.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The way to develop the Makran coastal area in southeast Iran is to bring back the maritime civilization, Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi said, addressing the 4th International Conference of the Persian Gulf Oceanography underway in Tehran.
The world expects Iran to be present in the seas as the country enjoys a reputable name regarding its history, civilization and Islamic attitudes, the commander said.
Iran has sea borders in north and south of the country, so it can make use of the sea power, the Navy commander added.
Referring to the remarks made by the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani about Makran coastal area, the commander said Makran as the president has said is a gateway to all nations and its development can strengthen Iran's maritime civilization.
The 4th International Conference of Persian Gulf Oceanography lasts for two days in the Iranian capital.
Source: IRNA