UNSC discredited by US moves: Iran envoy

Young journalists club

News ID: 19002
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:53 - 07 February 2018
TEHRAN, February 7 - Iran’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations decried the US government’s employment of the UN Security Council as a tool to pursue its political objectives, saying the US attempts to spur the council to act against Iran have discredited the council.

UNSC discredited by US moves: Iran envoyTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Addressing an open debate on the UNSC Working Methods, held at the UN headquarters in New York on February 6, Eshaq Al-e-Habib denounced the US attempts to raise issues relating to Iran’s internal affairs at the UN Security Council.

The Iranian envoy stressed that the council’s provisional rules of the procedure, which had remained provisional for 70 years, should be formalized to improve transparency and accountability.

Closed meetings and informal consultations should be kept to a minimum and should be the exception rather than the rule, the UN official website quoted him as saying.

It was vital for the council’s credibility to reject the intentions to turn it into a tool to pursue national political interests and agendas, he added.

Al-e-Habib also noted that the intention to use the council as a tool for more dangerous ends could not have been made clearer than in the statement by the representative of the United States at the meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on 5 March 2006.

In addition, he added, on 5 January 2018, the United States pushed for an emergency meeting on an issue that flagrantly fell outside the scope of the council’s mandate, and on 29 January 2018, the United States Mission set up a show to present members of the council with some fabricated evidence, such as a destroyed yet intact missile supplied by Saudi Arabia.

The Iranian envoy said those examples discredited the UNSC, which also failed to take the slightest action when it came to genuine issues, such as the occupation of Palestinian territory by the Israeli regime.

Source: Tasnim


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