Khavari to be tried

Young journalists club

News ID: 1838
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 17:28 - 07 August 2013
Tehran, YJC. Judge has said that the court will try Khavari for the big corruption case.

Naser Seraj, the big corruption judge, has said that Mahmoud Reza Khavari, the former Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of Iran’s National Bank will be tried on charges of embezzlement.

Seraj pointed out "The trial of the former Chairman of the National Bank will not be in absentia, but will be held with the defendant’s lawyer.”

In the meantime the Judiciary Spokesman Mohseni Ejei had said in his latest press conference "Unfortunately neither the Canadian government nor the Interpol have handed him over to us. Of course we have done what we could and are pursuing the issue via human rights claimant organizations.”

"We hope that the accused would think of returning himself, because he will eventually be caught,” Ejei stated.

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