Jordan shuts down illegal drug factory

Young journalists club

News ID: 18002
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 20:03 - 16 January 2018
TEHRAN, January 16 - Police in Jordan say they've shut down a large factory making an illegal amphetamine-based drug said to be popular in the Middle East, including among Syrian militants.

Jordan shuts down illegal drug factoryTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Authorities seized enough material to make more than 100 million pills.

The official news agency Petra described the raid as a first for not only disrupting trafficking of pills, but also their production in the kingdom.

On Tuesday, the confiscated drugs and chemicals were on display at the anti-narcotics department in Jordan's capital, Amman. Rows of plastic-wrapped cardboard boxes and bins filled with the drug-making materials were stacked floor to ceiling.

Police say a factory purportedly making cleaning materials in an industrial area of Amman had served as a front for manufacturing the pills. They say nine people were arrested.

Source: AP

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