Tehran, YJC. President has said in his Quds Day speech that the ME is the key to ruling the world.

Speaking prior to the Friday Prayer before the Quds Day
demonstrators in Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pointed to the strategic value of
the Palestinian land and the Middle East in general and said "The key to ruling
the world is in the Middle East.”
President Ahmadinejad then provided comments on the
formation of the Zionist regime and said "The dream of establishing the Zionist
regime was no accident. It has been a dream of centuries. The establishment of
the Zionist regime stems from a will to preserve arrogance.”
"The West created integrity among themselves by establishing
the Zionist regime,” Ahmadinejad asserted.
Ahmadinejad then stated that Israel has trespassed all divine
values and disrespected God and his messengers.
"Zionism believes in no religion but arrogance’s polluted,
filthy interests. Israel is the kernel and the nature of the capitalist system,”
Ahmadinejad exclaimed.
Pointing to the controversies over his statements on the
Holocaust, he stated "I posed two questions about the Holocaust. They stirred
such a sound and fury in the world and showed much zeal. When speaking about
other countries they say ‘you must have freedom of speech’, but when their turn
comes they will not stand it.”
He also provided comments on regional conflicts and the extremist
groups involved, maintaining "The extremist groups that exist in the area are
outwardly Muslim, but no doubt Zionist inside.”