Tehran, YJC. -- The rallies of International Quds day which will are be holding today on August 2 in over 80 countries across the world have to support all oppressed nations including Bahrainis.
On the last Friday of Ramadan of each year, all people of the world including Muslims, univocal convict all the usurpers and support all the usurped people and protest the continuation of usurp of the World Muslims’ First Qibla, the Quds Mosque, by the Zionists, as well as, the continuation of usurp of Palestinian lands by these usurpers, and these protests, until the time of full emancipation of all usurped places from the hands of all usurpers be repeated every year.
But what about Bahrain ,when we gona see a relay for Bahrain liberation.
it seems that Quds day this year have another aspect. It is demand of Muslim around the world to liberate Bahrain from Al Khalifa's usurpers. The usurpers marginalized the majority who are real owners of the country.