‘Won’t happen again’: Hawaii officials apologize, blame missile warning fiasco on ‘human error’

Young journalists club

News ID: 17890
Publish Date: 12:11 - 14 January 2018
TEHRAN, January 14 -Faced with a public outcry following a false missile alert, Hawaiian officials apologized, saying an automated method of retracting warnings will be introduced and two employees, instead of one, will handle it in the future.

‘Won’t happen again’: Hawaii officials apologize, blame missile warning fiasco on ‘human error’TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -Faced with a public outcry following a false missile alert, Hawaiian officials apologized, saying an automated method of retracting warnings will be introduced and two employees, instead of one, will handle it in the future.

“We did everything that we can, immediately, to ensure that it will never happen again… so a single person will not be able to make an error that triggers another false alarm,” Vern Miyagi, Hawaii’s Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) administrator said, as he accepted responsibility for the incident.

“I’m sorry for that pain and confusion that many might have experienced,” he added.

It was a single mouse click by a HI-EMA employee during a routine test that sent the entire state of Hawaii into panic, Miyagi revealed.

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