Tehran, YJC. Professor says that Iran’s major problem is radical groups who do not approve of relations with the US by any means.

University Professor Sadeq Zibakalam said in an interview with a local news agency regarding the prospects
of growing relations between Iran and the US "The real problem is a part of the
Iranian sovereignty which does not approve of any kind of relationship with the
West and the US.”
saw that when 130 Congressmen held an olive branch to Obama in regard with Iran
and when Mr. Jack Straw held an olive branch to Mr. Rouhani, radical currents
would immediately take an unfavorable position. They said that Straw does not
have a right to come to Iran. These people said that the US and UK must first apologize
for their past crimes,’ the close adviser to Rouhani pointed out.
asserted that currently it is impossible to work towards détente, adding that
the major problem is Iran’s insistence on enmity with the US.
He added
"The 19 million people who voted for Rouhani want changes in the in with the US
and the West. If people had liked animosity with the US to go on they would
have voted for Jalili; but that didn’t happen and only 15 percent voted for
He also
provided comments on Moscow’s key role in the 5+1 talks and said "The key to
solving Iran’s problems with the Six Powers is not in Moscow’s hand, but in Washington.
If any change is going to happen in the course of these talks, it needs changes
in the Iran-US relations.”
He also
pointed to Putin’s prospective trip to Iran and said that despite the trip,
there is no change to be expected in Iran-Russia relations, since no side
desires a change in the relations.
"Of course there is no reason why the Russians
should be willing to mend Iran’s relations with the West. They are making the best
use of current situations, because the continuation of the situation keeps Iran
relying on Russia,” Zibakalam asserted.
"Therefore,” he stated "the trip is not going
to include any special point or interaction and can only be a congratulation to
the President.”