Tehran, YJC. Contradictory news reports have made it uncertain whether the Russian President is going to visit Tehran in near future.
Contradictory news reports are heard these days regarding
Vladimir Putin’s to-be visit to Tehran to meet Rouhani.
While some sources said that he will be attending the Rouhani
inauguration, others have denied it, yet some others say that the trip will be made
shortly after the inauguration.
Some sources had quoted Sanaei, Head of the Iran-Russia
Parliamentary Friendship Group, stating that Putin would make his trip to Iran
by sea.
Meanwhile the Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seyyed Abbas Araqchi said on Wednesday in an
interview with YJC on news regarding the Russian President’s trip to Iran on
August 16 "The news is not correct and I do not confirm it.”
There is also disagreement as to the topic of Putin's to-be meeting with Rouhani. Mehr News Agency has posted two slightly contrasting
reports on its Farsi and English websites. While the former says that Putin is
to visit Tehran "with his latest version of S300”, implying the visit to circle
around the S-300VM missiles to be sold to Iran, the latter says that he is to make
the visit for nuclear talks, saying "Russian President Vladimir Putin is to
visit Iran in August to try and restart talks on Tehran’s nuclear program,
Russia’s Kommersant daily reported on Wednesday, according to AFP.”