Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says that the Western nuclear negotiators are after changing Iran’s policies regarding the Zionist regime.

Director of the International Affairs of the Majlis Hossein
Sheikholeslam providing comments on meetings with political experts said "In
some meetings a whole spectrum of ideas are presented which range from
constructive cooperation with the West and the 5+1 to quitting the NPT. These believe
that abiding by the NPT has so far been unable to give us the desired results.”
"They say that we could quit the NPT and give the Agency
permissions for random visits while remaining adherent to the Supreme Leader’s
fatwa on the prohibition of nuclear weapons,” he further added.
He said that all must wait to see who is chosen as the new
head of negotiators in order to adopt a policy for the negotiations.
Sheikholeslam asserted "If agreeable offers are made by the West,
the head negotiator will be able to lay the grounds for promising negotiations
through constructive cooperation.”
He said that it does not make any difference for the West
who will become the top Iranian negotiator. "Since our policies are in contrast
to the Zionist regime, which has weakened the regime, the West tries to change
our position by any means possible. The 5+1 talks and all that pressure are
only an excuse for changing the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran against
the Zionist regime,” he pointed out.