Ambassador: Geneva II conference postponed for opposition diffusion

Young journalists club

News ID: 1659
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:20 - 16 July 2013
Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Ambassador to Syria says that the Syrian opposition are not organized enough to attend the Geneva II meeting.

Mohammadreza Sheybani said in an interview with the Lebanese news agency Al-Ahd that it will help resolve the Syrian crisis if Iran and all other influential parties attend the Geneva II conference.

The Iranian Ambassador added "The Syrian opposition are the reason for the delay in holding the meeting because they are not ready, which is itself due to their sense of inferiority before the Syrian Army and their diffusion and lack of harmony.”

He further said that another reason behind the delay is disagreements between the US and Russia on the participation of countries concerned, Iran in particular.

Sheybani then pointed to the in-field power balance in Syria and said that the Syrian Army and government are the weightier side, the Army being able to choose where and when to engage in battle.

The Syrian national resistance which involves popular participation under the name of national resistance army against armed forces is among the factors which the Iranian Ambassador believes has given more weight to the Syrian Army and government than the opposition.

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