Tehran, YJC. Shojouni says that instead of moderation, one needs sometimes to adopt assertiveness.

Coalition Party member Jafar Shojouni in an interview with Mosalas Online
provided comments on the notion of moderation taken by Hassan Rouhani as his
presidential motto "Moderation is pretty from outside and one rather likes it. But
there are dislocations when it comes to practice. In some occasions it takes moderation
and in some other assertiveness.”
He added
"The current administration is up and calls itself moderation, meaning ‘we do
not approve of extremism.’ Islam is also a religion for moderation and for the
middle, but at the same time, the Quran tells eh Prophet ‘O, Prophet, be strong
and bold on some.’ One cannot be always moderate.”
cannot be moderate when it comes to smugglers, terrorists, and the seditious. Right
now there is much moderation from our part. Our prisons are full and the Supreme
Leader pardons a lot every year. This is moderation. Islam is a religion for moderation,
for the middle.”