Hungarian member of FILA Administrative Board has condemned IOC for dropping wrestling from Olympics.

Answering a question on FILA internal problems as laying grounds for the elimination of wrestling from the Olympics, the FILA official said "I admit that there were problems with wrestling, but this would not pave the way for such decisions. I am so mad with the decision IOC made. Even if they wanted to warn wrestling this is not to be supposed to be the way to do that. In 2004 and after Athens Olympics some criticism was made to wrestling which we in the Administrative Board have heard before. Some words were true and we acted accordingly. The result was that we made some changes. In 2005 in Budapest we hosted international wrestling competitions. We invited Jacques Rogue. He saw the changes and assured us that if things go as well as they had done no threat will concern wrestling.”
Concerning a question as whether doping and arbitral problems have helped the situation, he said "I admit that wrestling has problems and it is not decent if we close our eyes to the problems and say there are none. But everything comes with degrees. In the Olympics 26 countries won medals in wrestling. Is that a small number? As concerning doping there are other fields of sports as well with much higher roping rates. They must have been dropped long ago if we are to do that.”