Iranian researchers discover damask rose extract treats aphthous stomatitis

Young journalists club

News ID: 16163
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:34 - 25 November 2017
TEHRAN, November 25 - Iranian researchers have discovered that using damask rose extract can prove effective in treatment of aphthous stomatitis.

Iranian researchers discover damask rose extract treats aphthous stomatitisTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Genetics, blood disorders, anemia, lack of folate, E and B1 vitamin, immunity system disorders, smoking cigarette and allergy are some factors cause aphthous stomatitis.

In this survey, 100 patients with minor aphthous stomatitis were used to be treated by damask rose extract.

The people were similar in terms of sex, age, the number of aphthous stomatitis and level of irritation.

The people were divided into two groups, with the first one treated by diphenhydramine and the second one with damask rose extract.

During the first week of the treatment, the two groups felt similarly in terms of experiencing same level of pain and irritation. Afterwards, the herbal extract could bring a similar effect on aphthous stomatitis as diphenhydramine did.


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