Hashemi: New administration endowed with internal, external problems

Young journalists club

News ID: 1605
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:47 - 10 July 2013
Tehran, YJC. Hashemi Rafsanjani has said that the high number of voters has shown their understanding of situations.

In separate meetings with Construction and Reform officials on Tuesday, the Chairman of the Expediency Discernment Council said "The epic presence of people in the recent electoral scene and their election is highly significant and shows their deep understanding, even in rural areas, of social realities; as well as their frustration with prosaicism, monopolism, illegality, and disorganization.”

Ayatollah Hashemi also pointed to the harsh economic and political situations and added "The new administration is endowed with many internal and external problems, especially economic and political ones. With regard to the magnitude of the existing problems, people must accompany the 11th administration with their forbearance to gradually solve problems.”

He expressed hopes that through insight and rationality, not only past mistakes are gradually atoned, but the country will get back on the true and rational track in domestic affairs.

He hoped also that in foreign policy the country, in cooperation and understanding with the world, will neutralize the sanctions and turn threats into opportunities to gain its real place in the global community.

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