Tehran, YJC. Ramadan is held dear in Islamic societies almost as much as a celebration or “Eid”. A whole gamut of happy and sad happenings mark its different days.
Ramadan is beginning and Muslims throughout the world
prepare to hold it as a special month where they pay more attention to
themselves and their God than the other eleven months.
First of all, Ramadan is a month of self-improvement. Most people
agree that as they fast, they become more conscious of themselves. This consciousness
leads to a rethinking of what habits they have developed in the course of
almost a year. As they fight their desire to eat and drink, Muslims also learn
to fight much egoistic demands that spring from their inside. That is why Ramadan
is regarded as a time to get oneself closer to God.

A Ramadan Iftar
The holy Quran is read much more frequently in Ramadan than at
other times. People read it individually or in groups through the 30 days of Ramadan,
each day one section of the 30 which comprise the whole book.
As people experience starvation and thirst, they also
prepare more consciously-chosen foods for the evening, or "iftar”, when they
would break their fasting. Sweets and dates are used more at this time. As they
are usually the ones to prepare the food for the rest of the family, mothers get
a few hours each day of Ramadan for not having to prepare the lunch, so they
pay more attention to the dinner and the special Ramadan breakfast which is
taken before dawn. Towards the sunset downtown becomes more crowded with women
buying ingredients for the family dinner.
A number of religious occasions mark Ramadan especially for
the Shiite. The 15th day of Ramadan is the day when the Shiite’s second Imam
was born and the occasion is celebrated. Also the 21st day is the
day when the first Imam, Ali, was martyred. He was wounded by an Islamic extremist while praying
in the Mosque of Kufa in the 19th morning of Ramadan, 40 AH, and died
two days later.
The prominent Ramadan occasion is the day after Ramadan is
over. The day is a holiday and called "Eid Fitr”, meaning the reopening
celebration as Muslims are required to stop fasting. It is largely believed to
be the greatest of Muslims’ celebrations. Upon the dawning of the sun on this
day, people gather around and pray a special pray. They then pay a certain
amount of money per capita to be collected and used for charity causes. Thus having
celebrated Ramadan and the reopening celebration, people grasp the holiday to visit
holy places or spend a day in nature.