Save the Children says 130 children die every day in Yemen

Young journalists club

News ID: 15826
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 21:24 - 16 November 2017
TEHRAN, November 16 - An international aid group says an estimated 130 children or more die every day in war-torn Yemen from extreme hunger and disease.

Save the Children says 130 children die every day in YemenTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Save the Children said late Wednesday that a continuing blockade by the Saudi-led coalition is likely to further increase the death rate. It says over 50,000 children are believed to have died in 2017.

On Thursday, the leaders of the World Health Organization, the U.N. children's agency and the World Food Program issued a joint appeal for the easing of the blockade.

"While the Saudi-led military coalition has partially lifted the recent blockade of Yemen, closure of much of the country's air, sea and land ports is making an already catastrophic situation far worse," they said.

"The space and access we need to deliver humanitarian assistance is being choked off, threatening the lives of millions of vulnerable children and families."

The war has killed more than 10,000 people and displaced 3 million. Yemen was the Arab world's poorest country even before the conflict began.

The U.N. officials said more than 20 million people, including 11 million children, are in need of urgent assistance, with 7 million totally dependent on food assistance. The U.N. has called it the "worst humanitarian crisis in the world."

"Even with a partial lifting of the blockade, the World Food Program estimates that an additional 3.2 million people will be pushed into hunger. If left untreated, 150,000 malnourished children could die within the coming months," the officials said.

Source: AP


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