TEHRAN, November 12 - According to SANA, local sources announced on Sunday that the US-led coalition fighters in a new crime bombarded Tal ul-Shayer of Deir ez-Zur and killed at least 10 civilians.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The local sources also reported that bombarding Tal ul-Shayer, simultaneously US drones targeted an ambulance carrying a number of wounded people and rescue forces.
US-led coalition fighters over the recent months have time and again bombarded Syria’s residential areas, schools, and government buildings and killed tens of civilians each time.
Syria’s Foreign Ministry also time and again has called for UN and its Security Council to prevent the coalition fighters from raiding Syrian civilians.
US claims that its international coalition, formed without the permission of UN Security Council in August 2014, fights ISIL elements in Syria and Iraq, yet since then its fighters repeatedly have targeted Syria’s infrastructures and killed hundreds of Syrian civilians.