Tehran, YJC. Mashhad Friday preacher has said that developments in Egypt testify the fact that if the nation’s religious demands are not met, they are disillusioned.

Ahmad Allamalhoda said in his Friday sermons in Mashhad "If people’s religious
demands are not gratified, they will be disillusioned, like the Egyptians were.
The current created in the Egyptian revolution must teach a lesson to our
He added
"In Egypt people handed their affairs to an Islamic party. But this party acted
against Islam, therefore people were disillusioned with their revolution,
because a group came up under the name of Islam only to trespass it. That is a
lesson for us.”
asserted "Politicians must take notice that one cannot trespass and overlook
principals in the name of political event. Officials and politicians in every
administration must pay attention to the fact and take a lesson from the Egypt happenings.”
Ayatollah also provided comments on recent changes in Egypt and said "A
terrible situation has come to exist in Egypt. We are much worried about the
situation, because a group came up under the name of Islam and then turned
their backs to Islam, only to disillusion the people with any other Islamic group
that would have come up in the future.”
He Mashhad
Friday preacher stressed the need for political figures in Iran to take the Egyptian
changes as a lesson.